Farewell Page 9 May 6, 2003 It Was Worth All The While: Lumberjac1< Staff SaYs Goodbye KARAEUBANK Features Editor With the school year coming to a close, many people have to say goodbye. But, with one ending, there is always another beginning. This year the Lumberjack will be saying goodbye to four people. Three editors, JoBeth Johnson, Sara Lyon and Jessica Thiem, and Shawn Sexton, the Lumberjack advisor, will be leaving. Sexton came to ACC as an English instructor three years ago. He became the Lumberjack advisor that same year, after the previous advisor quit midway through the fall semester. To put it bluntly, he had no experience in journalism. But, like the students, he took the opportunity to grow and learn. After three years of learining the hard way, he is passing on his leadership position. "Advising the paper is a full time job. The late nights and long hours don't leave me much time for my other classes or my family," Shawn said. He also stated, "The paper is much improved from three years ago, so I would like to go out on that." Also leaving is JoBeth Johnson. She is the sports editor for the Lumberjack this year. "Working for the paper has been such a learning experience for me," JoBeth stated. "One thing I've learned from working on the paper is sources don't always tell the truth and you always have to edit and re- edit," she also added. JoBeth's future plans are to attend Central Michigan University and major in photography. Sara Lyon, co-managing editor is planning on attending CMU in the fall also. Sara, an Alpena native, started off as a staff writer in her :freshman year. She liked Photo by Jessica Thiem it so much that she wanted Sara Lyon patiently waits to recieve award the MCCPA. to be an editor. "This experience has made me realize that no matter how hard things may seem, if I just apply myself I can do anything," Sara said. At CMU Sara plans on majoring in journalism or possibly broadcasting. "Writing is something that I enjoy," Sara stated when asked why she chose journalism as a major. Holding the other managing editor position is Jessica Thiem. She is proud of the way the paper has improved over the year. "Hard work really pays off and the paper is proof of that to me. Although we work hard we have had fun at the same time," Jessica stated. "Like one night during production week it was super late and we had lots of headlines to finish. All of us were making up some really funny headlines and laughing our butts off. Having that experience really helped us to lighten up and enjoy what we were Photo by Kaiser Paul The 2002-2003 Lumberjack Staff's first picture together. doing," she said with smile. After this year Jessica does not plan on moving far. "I'd like to stick around Alpena. I plan on interning at the Alpena News over the summer and I'm not really sure what I'm going to do after that. I'll have to wait and see where life takes me," she said. This year was very successful for the staff of the Lumberjack. Not only did the paper improve a great deal, but also new friends were made. As the three editors and Shawn move on to what ever life may bring, they should know that the paper wouldn't have been as good and the experience wouldn't have been the same without them. Thank you for all the hard work, time and passion you've all put into making this paper flourish. Good luck in everything you do. You will be greatly missed. Photo by Jessica Thiem Shawn Sexton (left) says something funny to Sara Lyon (right), while Kara Eubank (center) checks out her goodie bag. Photo by Jessica Thiem Connie Irland (front right), Doreen Fouchey (center left), Matt Petrovich ( center right), Andrew Kowalski (back left) and Jonas Boda (back right) wonder, "Are we there yet?" while on the ride to the MCCPA competition. Exiting Advisor Takes Parting Shot After three years of read- ing student articles, it is kind of exciting to write a little something myself; even if the editors would only give me this tiny little space. Some of the paper's harsh- est ciitics the last three years might be nervous by the head- line. However, I just want to thank some of the many people that supported the pa- per duiing the last three years. Photo by Jessica Thiem Kara Eubank (left), Sara Lyon ( center) and JoBeth Johnson (right) smile pretty for the camera. This paper has improved each year. I take the blame for our faults, but all the credit for improvement goes to the following supporters. Thank you to everyone at The Lumberjack Staff Editors: Managing/Photo Editor: Sara Lyon Managing/News Editor: Jessica Thiem Features Editor: Kara Eubank Sports Editor: JoBeth Johnson P.O.V. Editor: Matt Petrovich A&E Editor: Jonas Boda A&E Editor: Connie Irland Advisor: Shawn Sexton Staff Writers: Jonas Boda Brad Bicksler Trevor Bullock Michael Chambers Chad Dempsey Nicole Hatch Sarah Pokorzynski Connie Irland Julie Klein Tamara Deller Amy Abraham Mike Gary Terry Allison Amanda Barriga,· Corey Daleski Kalie Pizza Joseph Prevost Karrie Mulka Broderick Knight Laurie Purol Andrew Kowalski Jason Ogden Elaine Drumm Ellen Reeves Doreen Fouchey the Alpena News, especially Bill Speer and Tim Gapske- what a long, strange trip its been. Thanks to the heavy hit- ters at ACC who backed this paper when they did not have to - Dr. Newport, Dr. Davis, Dick Sutherland, Max Lind- say, Roger Phillips. Special thanks to Chuck Wiesen, our biggest contiibuter and supporter. Jay Walterreit and Karen Eller- thanks for all the help. Thanks to MIS, especially Mark, Glenn, and Frank -we tiied not to blow anything up. Thanks Tim Kuehnlein , Tom Ra , Student Senate, and the ACC Art Program for giving us so much to write about. Thank you Cathy and Huron Shores. Much love for all the Staff Writers-you were the heart and soul of all that was good. Thank you Sue, Shelby, and Griffin-I love you. Thank God for all the past edi- tors-I ocelyn Haske, Tris Coffin, Tma Williams, Jenni Webb, Ryan Spaulding, Eric Benac, Josh Brege, Chris Oposnow. Sara, Kara, Matt, Jess, JoBeth, Jonas, Connie - you guys were the absolute best. Thank you. I'm sure I forgot someone, but why stop making mistakes now! I' 11 miss workin with ou all. Contact the Lumberjack: The Lumberjack is pub- lished on the first Tuesday of October, Novermber and Decemeber, as well as the first Tuesday of March, April and May. Opinions Ex- pressed are strictly those of the writer and are not en- dorsed by ACC or the entire Lumberjack staff. Signed contributions can be dropped of at BTC 106 or contact us at 989-358- 7264. Mail correspondence to the Lumberjack, ACC, 666 Johnson St., Alepena, Michigan 49707. Email: the_lumberjack_news@hotmail.com Front page mast head photo by Sara Lyon.