Point fView October 28, 2003 Page 9 Baby 'Drop OB' Law Thought You Should Know Don't Throw Away a Life MARC GAUZE Contributing Writer Three years ago there was a law passed in the State of Michigan that caused much fanfare. However, like many laws, people stopped talking about it and have forgotten the reason that it was passed. The law was passed in early 2000 and took on the name Baby 'Drop Off' law. This law was passed for women who were pregnant and couldn't afford to have the baby, or who simply they did not want anyone to know they had gotten pregnant. The law created a place where a woman can leave the baby at a <;:ertain location with no questions asked. What does this law have to do with you, the students? Most of those who abandon their babies are young adults. Before this law was passed, women who got caught up in a situation where they did not want their baby would just dump their babies in dumpsters or leave them in public restrooms. In 1998 alone, there were 105 newborn babies abandoned in the United States, 33 of them died before they could be helped. This law has been passed in over half the states. A mother can now bring a baby up to - five days old to a hospital, police station or a fire station. They can leave the baby there with no questions asked. In Michigan the one exception is, if the baby looks physically abused then the mother will be held for questioning. The mother has twenty- eight hours to reclaim her baby through Michigan Family Services. Why make a big thing about a law that has been out for almost three years? His is one of those helpful laws that you have to keep reminding people about or it is forgotten. Just last year there were at least three cases of abandoned babies found in Michigan. Please, if you know of anyone who may find herself in a situation like I have described, let her know of this law and how it can help her. More information is available at your local Health Department. Dor1n Raiders Meningitis; An Unexpected Guest KATIEPIZZA News Editor Meningitis is a disease that affects over 2,000 people in the United States every year, yet many students are unaware of this disease. This disease is caused by a virus that attacks a person's brain and spinal cord. The website Webmd had this to say on the matter: "Although college students' overall risk of meningitis is low, freshmen, especially those who live in dormitories, have a moderately higher risk for meningococcal disease than other people their age. College freshmen, especially those who live in dormitories, should receive information about The Lumberjack Staff J, meningococcal disease and the availability of a safe, effective vaccine." There are many ways to tell if you have meningitis such as siezures, dizzy spells and vomiting. Once it is discovered that you have the disease it only takes about 2 weeks of home treatment to recover. In some cases, however, meningitis can cause permanent brain damage and long-term physical problems. To prevent this disease, it has been recommended that those who are at risk ( those who live in crowded areas or have poor overall health) should be vaccinated against the disease. For more information about meningitis visit webmd's website at www.webmd.com Editors: Managing/News Editor: Kara Eubank Managing/A&E Editor: Jonas Boda News Editor: Katie Pizza - 1.l...k. , .'-.i.... .... · '- ......... ..... ~ . ..,_\,_ ..... ........... Managing Editor It's easy to think that HIV/ AIDS is something for other people to worry about. Since Alpena is a small community many think we're at less of a risk. This is not the case. AIDS is the sixth leading cause of death among people 15-24. Also, every year approximately 3 million American teenagers contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD). STD's facilitate the transmission of HIV To break it down, HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. AIDS is a condition where the body's defenses against some illnesses are broken down. There is no cure for HIV/ AIDS because it is a virus. Doctors now have medications that prolong the effects of HIV/ AIDS but nothing to actually cure the virus. Many people who are infected don't know exactly when they contracted the virus because HIV/ AIDS can lay dormant for up to 10 years with no signs. With that in mind, know that a study of 1,722 college students at 23 different institutions showed that 82% reported they had experienced sexual intercourse at least once. 25 .1 % of men at these colleges reported having ten or more sexual partners. Only 45.7% of men and 36.5% of the women used a condom during the most recent sexual encounter. Most college students are sexually active with a history of multiple sexual partners and inconsistent condom use. Contributing factors to these risky behaviors are the consumption of alcohol and the increasing prevalence of date rape. These sorts of behaviors place a majority of college students at risk for contracting HIV. Just because you can't tell who has HIV/ AIDS does not mean it's not there. Small communities like Alpena have to worry just as much as anybody about the virus. The only way to prevent HIV/ AIDS is to eliminate risky behavior. Use protection while having sexual intercourse. Just remember AIDS has no boundaries and that alone is a scary enough thought. There are services available for those who have HIV/ AIDS or for people who want to get tested. Testing is available at Northwest Michigan Community Health Agency. They use the Orasure test, where no needles are used. The test is FREE and it can be anonymous because they only use anumbernot a name. Call 1-800-432-4121 for an appointment. Cut the Carbohydrates, Lose the Weight KARAEUBANK Staff Writer The Atkins Diet is the biggest fad diet to come out in a long time. It has been around for about a decade but it was never in the spotlight until recently. The Atkins is a diet where you won't get hungry and yet still lose weight. Most people lose 10-30 pounds in the first month. It focuses on hig fat intake and 'Low carbohydrate intake. You can eat all the meat, cheese, eggs and fats you want. You don't have to count calories on this diet because you're eliminating the carbs. Some say you feel better mentally and physically while on the diet. Over time your comfort food cravings vanish. Like everything, this miracle diet has a negative side. High protein eating patterns are, over the long run, linked to osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer and pose particular dangers for people with diabetes. The diet is low in carbs, but very high in saturated fat, cholesterol, very low in fiber and below the recommended daily values for several vitamins and minerals. The Atkins Diet is still considered a fad diet because like all fad diets, this program is difficult to follow for long due to it being a low carbohydrate, high protein diet. And low carbohydrate, high protein diets can cause negative side effects such as weakness, irritability, sleeplessness and headaches. If you want to try the Atkins diet but don't want to follow it to the extreme, then a high fiber diet that replaces simple carbohydrates with complex carbs "like whole wheat, brown rice, fruits, vegetables and legumes in their natural forms may be more for you. But if, like many dieters, you do not care how you attain fast weigl:J.t loss or how you feel while losing weight and all you desire is to see the scale go down each day, then fad diets may be the answer to your prayers. Keep in mind that, although the Atkins Diet is among the more effective of all fad diets presently being used to lose weight quickly, this diet is still referred to as a fad diet for a reason. Instead of using a fad diet to attain fast weight loss, maybe try a Fat Loss Diet or Fat Burning Diet. November: Nati nal Diabetes Awareness Month CONNIE IRLAND Features Editor Approximately 8 million people inthe United States do not realize they have diabetes. This condition can cause blindness, kidney failure, los·s of limbs, and even death if it goes untreated. People often associate this diabetes with age, but, according to an article on webmd.com, "About 123,000 children and teenagers age 19 and younger have diabetes. There are three types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetics are dependent on insulin. This form is usually hereditary; however, it can also be caused by illness and other factors. Most of those under the age of 19, Features Editor: Connie Irland Sports Editor: Dominick Miller Advisor: Ann Kitalong-Will who have diabetes, have this type. Symptoms include thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, blurred vision, numbness in extremities, and extreme tiredness. Type 2 diabetics usually produce insulin but are unable to use it effectively. Some can control their glucose levels with diet, while others use a combination of medication and diet. Symptoms include feeling drunk when you're sober, feeling tired, frequent urination, thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, frequent Contributors: Writers:Roni Allen, De Maramed, Jessica Miller, Chris Engle, Matt Gib- bons , Chris Gillmore, Katrina Hentkowski, Tabitha Williams, Jer- emy Gatten, Corey Daleski, Jon Reid; Columnists: Chris Engle, Corey Da!eski, Dominick Miller; Photogra- phers: Chris Gillmore, Connie Irland, Kara Eubank, Katie Pizza infections, and sores that heal slowly. The third type is Gestational Diabetes. Women who run elevated levels of blood sugar during pregnancy have ~his type. Young women are no exception. I was 19 when I first experienced this. My doctor informed me that ifl ate a healthy diet and didn't gain weight I was less likely to become diabetic later. I was not that fortunate. For more information see From the Editors This issue of The Lumberjack's "Point of View" page is dedicated to ACC student health and well-being in the hopes that students of ACC will be aware of potential health problems and what precautions can be taken to prevent them. With our hectic schedules, students often ignore basic health issues that are easily dealt with. We think it's important to remember to take care of yourself, no matter how busy your life might be. There are a number of resources online that can help answer your health-related questions. Of course, you should always consult your doctor wi~h any health-related webmd.com, or visit your questions or concerns you doctor. might have. Contact the Lumberjack: The Fall, 2003 Lumberjack is published on September 30, Oc- tober 28, and December 2. Opin- ions expressed are strictly those of the writer and are not endorsed by ACC or by the en- tire Lumberjack staff. Letters to the Editor can be sent to our email address: ACCLumberjack@yahoo.com or mailed to: The Lumberjack, ACC, 666 Johnson St., Alpena, MI 4 9 7 0 7. All Letters to the Editor must include valid contact infor- mation for verification purposes. The Lumberjack reserves the right not to publish any letter that does not contain contact information or that we deem inappropriate in any way. Signed contributions can be dropped of at BTC 106 or mailed to the Lumberjack ad- dress.