CAMPUS UPDATE, February 18, 1987, Page 4 Scholarships Available for Blind By: Sharyn Owens The Michigan Commission for the Blind has asked our help in locating possible scholarship recip-. ients. The’ scholarships offered by the Commission are from the Roy Johnson Scholarship Program. y The late Roy Johnson, a blind farmer of Lapeer, Michigan, created -the testamentary trust for persons who are blind and in pursuit of a graduate school education in ac- credited colleges within the state of Michigan. The 1981-82 school year is the seventh year of the program's ex- istence. During the last academic year, the trust provided aclelie to six graduate students. awards ranged from $500 to $1500, Students who have no more than 20% of normal vision in both eyes, and have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited United States college, are eligible for funds. Con- sideration is also given to the finan- cial condition of the applicant and his or her family, the applicant’s scholastic record, recommendations from college faculty and officials, and the applicant’s intended use of the post graduate college education. Funds provided are to be used to pursue graduate studies of low, education, science, music, etc., in an accredited college within the state of Michigan. These funds are primarily distributed for tuition, but can be used for toom and board and to provide readers for blind beneficiaries. Data required along with the application form includes: a copy of the applicant’s latest baccalaure- ate degree scholastic record; a copy of the applicant’s latest graduate school scholastic record; two letters of recommendation from the appli- cant’s baccalaureate degree college faculty or officials (if applicant is a graduate student, one letter must be from applicant’s graduate school advisor); and an evaluation report from an opthalmologist or optome- trist. stating that applicant’s vision does not exceed 20% of normal in both eyes. The application deadline for the 1981-82 school year is March 30; 1981. Application forms can be obtained by writing to: Roy Johnson Trust, Michigan Depart- ment of Labor, Commission for the Blind, 309 North Washington, P.O. Box 30015, Lansing, Michigan 48909, Attention: Jam Obranovic, administrator, (517) 373-2062. es R or call continued from page 1 column 2 eligibility factors to sources of funds for college which they are qualified to receive. . The search guarantees to iden- tify specific financial sources of po- tential funds for the subscribing Who is more likely to nual for college funds? To help answer this question, the Student Assistance Council has developed a 60-second quiz for answer could qu- alify someone to apply for a num- ber of financial aid sources. Ask yourself: —Have you participated in extra-curricular activities in school - or outside of school? —Have you decided on a part- icular career or occupation? (Many scholarships are based on the stu- dent’s interest in’ a major course of a or future occupation.) you or your parents Miiega with any union, reli- gious or fraternal organization, community or professional group? People Taking Action t Build the PeoP\«s BANK:TAUST AEAIUANED. = —Were either of your parents in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard? The Student Assistance Coun- cil of America has developed a unique Student Profile Applicaton Form, which provides the “keys’” to finding multiple sources of fin- ancial aid. You can get a copy of this DORM NEWS This semester, the RHA has been very busy with numerously planned activities. Last week they sponsored a Valentines Day Dance, and there are six future activities being planned. Last Thursday, Feb. 12, the RHA held a Valentines Day Dance at Fletcher Pool Room. There wasa successful turnout of about 150 stu- dents. The band, Whiz Kid, offered a nice variety of music and the fin- ishing touches to the evening were the snack tables and holiday decor- ations. The next activity that the RHA is sponsoring is Casino Night, which will be on Thursday, Feb. 19, in the cafeteria of ee Wilson Dorm, from 8:00 through 1:30 a.m. There will, te a $1 cover charge and everyone from ACC, faculty and students, are welcome. There will also be an open bar for anyone 21 and over. Future activities: March 5, a Sleigh Ride, March 12, a Slave Auction, also being scheduled are a Spring Ping Pong Tournament, a Spring Pool Tournament, and Mafia Week. 999004000000000000000000% form, plus a “how to’ Scholar- ship Search Information Kit, by writing directly to the Council and enclosing $1.00 to help pay for first class postage, handling, etc. Write Student — Assistance Council of America, Suite 628U, 1775 Broadway, New York, 10019. “I recommend * T he Innocent.’” | ARRIS, Village Voice “Sheer: esealbee” JOEL SIEGEL, Eyewitness News Visconti Sensiudl Epic of Diabolic! Marriage ron ae aaist LEASING CORPORATION RI [FUN BS TRITON COMMRY CIRCLE The members of the Circle K Club are getting excited about attending their 26th annual conven- tion which will be held at the Mt. Pleasant Holiday Inn. Six members from the ACC branch plan on going to the convention, which will take place March 27th through 29th. Awards will be given to the . most outstanding members. Awards will also be given in many other categories. Michigan. District and the International Vice President for our area will also be attending the con- vention. Tim Roeske, who was the President last semester, and Chair erson Steven H. Smith, will be taking an active part in the event. World Famous French Fries 1115 W. Chisholm, Alpena We do it all for you. Get up and get away to McDonalds for french fries.