CAMPUS UPDATE, OCTOBER 14, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 headquarters in New York City to discuss their projects with Philip Morris executives. stents are invited to develop 1981, PAGE 4 three or more, and graduate stud- ents in groups of two or more, both under the counsel of a faculty member or a. recognized campus ions projects jotate to Philip Morris Incorpor- ated or any of its non-tobacco products and Operations. o pane . The deadline is Jan- nen 15, 1982. For additional __ information, es contact Ms. / Gerry Rizzo, Ci , Philip mittee of communications experts will judge selected entries. They are: Dr. Donald C. Carroll, Dean, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; Louis T. Hagopian, Chairman, N W Ayer ABH Inter- national; Mary Wells Lawrence, Chairman, Wells, Rich, Greene; William Ruder, President, William Ruder Ine.; James C. Bowling, Senior Vice President and Dir- ector of Corporate Affairs, Philip Morris Incorporated; John T. Landry, Senior Vice President and Director of Marketing, Philip Morris Incorporated. The competition is divided into graduate and undergraduate cate- gories, and is open to students cur- rently enrolled in any accredited college or university. Undergradu- ate students must work in groups of Wace Incorporated; 100 Park Ave- nue, New York, New York, 10017, (212) 880-3459. Philip. Morris Incorporated, in- * cludes Philip Morris U.S.A., whose major brands are Marlboro, Benson & Hedges 100’s, Merit, Virginia Slims, Parliament Lights, and Cam- bridge; Philip Morris International, which is oe for Seven-Up | i Miller ~ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 chaplains, etc.), where they are giv-_ ‘en to U.S. military personnel. “On behalf of all soldiers in the...Com- pany, thank you for the Christmas cards you sent.,.These cards gave - diers who. éoull not be home with their loved. Ae! * read one letter received by MAIL CALL in re- additional i ins our for those sol- sponse to last year’s Christmas mail. ie Special recognition is due. all whose participation made the 1980 Christmas Mail Call an outstanding success, with “honorable mention’ to the following: HIGH SCHOOL: (tie) Pinelands Regional High School- Tuckerton, NJ Great Bridge High School! Chi f Brewing man brewer of Miller High Life, Lite, and Lowenbrau brands; The Seven-Up Company, producer of 7UP and Diet 7UP soft drinks in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico; Philip Mortis In- dustrial, which makes specialty chemicals, paper, and packaging materials; and Mission Viejo Com- pany, a community development in Southern California and Colorado. American Collegiate Poets Anthology S Sa International Publications “is sponsoring a Hational College Poetry Contest —— Fall Concours 1981 — — ‘open to all college and university students desiring to have their poetry anthologized. CASH PRIZES will go to the top five poems: $100 First Place $50 Second Place $25 Third Place $15 Fourth $10 ay AWARDS of free printing for. ALL ps manuscripts in our popular, ind and COLLEGIATE handsomely bound POETS. Deadline: October 31 CONTEST RULES AND RESTRICTIONS: 1. Any student is eligible to submit his or her-verse. 2. All entries must be original and unpublished. 3. All entries must be typed, double-spaced, on one side of the page only. Each poem must be on a separate sheet and must bear, in the upper left- hand corner, the NAME and ADDRESS of the student:as well as the COLLEGE attended. Put name and address on envelo;? also! 4. There are no restrictions on form or theme. Length of poems upto - fourteen lines. Each poem must have a separate title. (Avoid “Untitled’’!) Small black and white illustrations welcome. The judges’ decision will be final. No info by phone! Entrants should keep a copy of all entries as they cannot be returned. Prize winners and all authors awarded free publication will be notified immediately after deadline. 1.P. will retain first publication rights for accepted poems. Foreign language poems welcome. 7. There is an initial one dollar registration fee for the first entry ais a fee of fifty cents for each additi no more than ten poems per entrant. 8. All entries must be postmarked not later than the above deadline and , cash, check or money order, to: INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS P.O, Box 44927 Los Angeles, CA 90044 gr fees be p: al poem. It is requested to submit For ‘more information on how you or your group may participate in the 7th Annual CHRISTMAS MAIL CALL, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: ARMED FORGES MAIL CALL Box 6210 Fort Bliss, Texas 79906-0210 P..S. No, mail is not sent only to. SOLDIERS--also to Marines, sailors and airmen! If you would like some mail directed to an individual in the military service, send his/her name and military mailing address to MAIL CALL. Thanks! FIVE EASY MICHIGAN TRIVA QUESTIONS by Malcolm Hohmann Five Easy Michigan Trivia Questions 1. In what city is the Detroit Zoo located? 2 2. What is Michigan's largest inland lake? 3. The massive cement ‘plant at El Cajon used to be the largest in the world. In what country is the world’s largest cement plant to-- day? Former President Gerald Ford's hometown is Grand Rapids. Where is his birthplace? (It’s not in Michigan.) Stevie Wonder, however, was born in Michigan, but not in Detroit. Where then? - sy! FOLLETT A.C.C. BOOKSTORE Designed with the Student in mind ACC MUGS AND GLASSES Located at Besser Tech earth MAGAZINE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tical experience and is looking for- ward to exploring black and white photography which is the medium used in earth, Ray Weisel is earth magazine’s staff artist. Talented and also quite familiar with the workings in the production of the magazine, Ray should prove to be an invaluable staff worker. In the past when earth supported a staff artist, that partic- ular issue always seemed to take on unique character traits because of the impact of the artist’s style. The look of the ’82 issue of earth may prove to be quite interesting be- cause of this. . This year Wendy Farmer is work- ing on the staff of earth asavolun- - teer. Wendy has had experience working on the yearbook of Rogers City High School and knows what it takes to put out a publication. She also enjoys writing and wants to pursue it and develop her ability ‘more and earth is providing her with a real and worthwhile oppor- tunity to do just that. Looking at earthmagazine as. a whole, the mechanism is in motion and running very smoothly. Right now the staff is starting a commun- ity scale promotion to make the people in the area aware of who. they are, what they are, where they are, and what earth hopes to accom- plish for the Spring of ’82. This year earth’s staff wants to start with a’theme. Also they feel that the public should be given the chance to express their ideas and opinions about the theme. In the near future detailed instructions on - how you can make your idea known to earth, will be posted. Un- til then; give it some thought. ANSWERS TO PERPLEXING PROFESSOR PUZZLE 1. Law 2. This unit is called a Henry. 3. Clute-(KKlute) Fonda won Oscar for best actress 4. Aufderheide. Bad pun, sorry. 5. Yulei.e.log . 6. Sonya Titus (sonyatitis) ether bad pun. Sorry. > 7. Bordewycke (Bored a wick) You must forgive me. 8. Hamilton-Beach. Mr. Beach retired in January so don’t fret if you missed this. one. CF Hie McLaren. A thousand oa ie eee ies Lamb of God. His true beliefs are unknown to me, however. : MICHIGAN TRIVIA QUESTIONS meulBeg °G ByseIgayy ‘BYeWO “7 ueder *¢ eye] uoYysnNoY °Z ~ 4eO eA “1 tae