Volume 2, Issue 1 CAMPUS UPDATE Alpena Community College, Alpena, Michigan Septmber 12 1979 DONNELLY COMMENTS FLOAT — Dr. Charles R. Donnelly, Pres- ident of ACC, expressed himself as always available to talk to students. He welcomed the ACC student com- munity saying, ‘We are here to serve their (the students’) interests in reaching their goals’’ and ‘we hope that students are able to find courses to pursue their educational goals.” Donnelly commented on the many things that are happening this year at ACC. A word processing computer pro- gram will be installed, and begin operation by October. Registration for the spring semester will be hand- led by this computer. Eventually, many facets of the college will be handled by the computer, including records, student services, and fi- nances. The Fisheries and Music depart- ments will be continuing this year with -part-time instructors, because small enrollment in these areas has hel lot the F pro halt be a determining Footer | in plan- ning. KAMPUS KICK-OFF PROMOTES BUSINESS -"The participants seemed to be pleased with the results,’ comment Henry Valli about the third annual “Kampus Kick-Off” held Wednes- day, September 5, in front of Van Lare Hall. Planning for the event b May 22 by the Student mites Center and the Retail Division of the Alpena Chamber of Commerce. The idea behind the “Kampus Kick-Off” is promotional. It ac- quaints students with local mer- chants and organizations. The par- ticipating businesses included Bay. “Hobby Shop, Linke’s Flowers Inc., People’s Bank & Trust, Des Champs, Western Auto, Mischley’s Shoes, Big ‘Bubba’s Sound Factory, LaLonde Shoe Store, Adam’s Book & Gift Shoppe, Straitiff’s Work & Casual, Alpena Savings, The Ski Rack, and WATZ. Two organizations involved in the event were the Alpena Volun- teer Center, and the Student Senate. The participating merchants sup- plied prizes at the drawings, which were held during the afternoon. sals pass Dr. Charles Donnelly reviews ACC's performance. The proposals for the college in- clude a separation of ACC from the K- 12 school district, establishment separation proposals “passes. Since, by then, ACC will be Donnelly emphasized the many ‘benefits for Me seals as oy as ion on the separ- jon will | ‘be forthcoming in future issues of ‘Campus Update. MILES DISCOURAGED BUDGET CUTS IN SPORTS PROGRAM If one were to look back on Alpena Community College’s Athletic pro-, grams, One would, find many strong achievements., ACC men’s ‘basketball ranked 5th throughout the nation just three years ago. In five out of the last six seasons, the Lumberjacks have won 20 or more games. The 1978-79 season saw them at 21-9, and fin- ished 2nd in regional competition. ACC sports get more exposure to the media than any other college organization. This brings positive recognition to Alpena and stirs pos- sible enrollments at ACC from out- of-district students. Qut of 21 community colleges in Michigan with sports programs, ACC. draws more people to its games; one can expect a crowd of 800 fans at every game. Larger communities have been known to draw a mere 50 spectators to its games. This proves interest/support of Alpena’s com- munity and student body. Dick Miles, ACC athletic director, hopes to continue ‘the men -and womens basketball teams, womens softball, and would like: to be able to add a mens and womens bowl- ing team. However, he is discour- aged by the fact that the athletic budget is less than last years. The sports schedule for 1979-80 is still vundecided, due to the economic uncertainty of athletics. Alpena Community College is a member of the Michigan Commun- ity College Athletic Association and the National Junior College Athletic Association. To be a member of the MCCAA,, each ‘college must carry ~ five sports teams. If a college drops below this requirement, it would be put on probation. Failing to pick up the necessary teams would mean be- ing dropped from the association. — -neec petition w required signatures, then return it of sports at ACC. YOUR VOT It is time again to think about elections. There will be an election for Student Senate, Sept. 19th. This year, there are plans for a floating election center. Elections will start at VLH with a booth at the entrance of the lounge, from 8:45 to 11:15. Next, the booth will move to BTC near the — bookstore entrance, from 11:45 to 1:30. The final voting period will be held at NRC at the library entrance. from 1:45 to 3:15. This procedure will make the election process more available to the entire Student Body. Any student who is interested in a position on the Student Senate is Fill the by Sept. 14th, so ballots can be pre- pared for the election. a BY This costs even more money, which the sports program doesn’t have. ~ Belonging to the MCCAA means» an automatic home game schedule.’ Without membership, other teams would not be obligated to come to Alpena. ‘ Miles commented, “We have a shakey sports situation. lf we don’t meet the requirements, we will jeo- pardise our relationship with the MCCAA, Being a member is impor- tant because of our geographical. location.’ He explained that Alpena would still be able to play, but they would .he on the road all the time. Alpena Community College has had good teams in the past, but this year Miles thinks, ‘’We are on thir ice.’ A cut in the sports program ‘would cause problems with the MCCAA, and in turn, for the future