\ Volume 3--Issue 1 CAMPUS UPDATE Alpena Community College, Alpena, Ml “October 8, 1980. STUDENT SENATE ELECTIONS COMPLETED Beth Anderson and Pat Yes, : did take an awfully long time, but the 1980-81 Student Senate oe A.C.C. is finally com- pleted. Student Senate elections were first held on Friday, September 12 on the, ACC campus, and the new electees -- along with the sole holdover from last year -- were for- mally recognized and proclaimed as members of the 1980-81 Stu- dent Senate of ACC on Wednesday September 17. When returning chairperson Todd Bordewyk, who was elected to his _ position by last year’s Student Sen- ate, called the September meeting to order, the following people were formally received as members of the 1980-81 Student Senate. Elected to the position of vice- chairperson: was Sarah -Dowling, ; who received a total of 61 votes from ACC students. Challenger Beth Anderson made it a close In the race for the three remain- ing representative positions avail- able for sophomore candidates, Diana Flakes came out in first place, getting the nod from 56 voters. Sal Frontiero came in sec- Read Your Splinters! Based on a desire to conserve our limited resources, the Cam- pus Update will not on a regular. basis be reprinting or otherwise duplicating information which can be found in the Splinter, and/or any. other materials which the college itself prints and distri- butes from time to time. This includes any information posted on the many bulletin boards scat- tered throughout the ACC cam- pus. While we will occasionally re- peat some of the things which the college prints, we will also at- tempt to keep this sort of thing from happening at all unless we feel that the duplication would serve some useful purpose. So for any ACC student who wishes to remain informed on ev- erything that is happening around our campus, may we suggest that you take a few minutes out of your busy schedule, find yourself a nice, quiet, secluded spot, and most important of all--read your _ Splinters! ond, capturing a rather respectable total of 39 votes. Vice-chairperson candidate- Anderson was offered the third sophomore rep. position on the basis of her 44 votes for vice-chairperson, but she declined for personal reasons. When Anderson declined, Dowl- ing moved that Diane Dargis be appointed to fill the remaining of five members on the 1980-81 Student Senate -- just five out of the eight required under the cur- rent rules which govern the Stu- dent Senate at ACC. The other three spots are reserved for fresh- men representatives, but none of those who desired to become fresh- men reps. had turned in their pet- itions on time, and were therefore spot, and Borcewyk Paes and Frontiero concurred. So Dargis was formal- ly appointed, and there was a total ic CAMPUS UPDA TE finally hits the press! /! Due to rather severe equipment failure, Campus Update has been forced to print this first issue of our paper two weeks later than originally planned. on Wednesday, October 15. Thanks for waiting for us... hi lly ineligible to be elected.” This presented a problem for the five sophomores, and so they had determine how to get three 1f we do not experience further fail- ure with our equipment, we will be printing and distributing our second issue THE STAFF son we do not already freshmen reps on the Senate as soon as possible. Dowling noted that since two freshmen among those turning in their petitions late --Stuart Grenkowicz and Tom Skiba — did have a total of 30 sig- natures each on their petitions, they must have some support among freshmen students. She moved that these two be appoint- ed as freshmen representatives, and the other-Senate members a- greed. fs Continued on page 3, column 4 .Missing Your |.D. Card? Do you happen to be wondering about what has happened to your student identification card for the fall seméster of 1980? Well wonder no more, for Campus Up- date has been told that each and every ACC student should be able to receive their 1.D. cards within the next couple of weeks. ° That statement was made by em is because the college ran into a few snags while.making the tran- sition to the new computerized . sy8tem of registering, which was used for the first time this year. ~ Therefore, plans were made to print and distribute all |.D. cards at a later date. (Hood did men- tion, however, that anyone who needs an |.D. card may receive a temporary one simply by request- it from. the records office.) ““1T WORKS FOR ALL OF US” dore’ If someone Aoi you knew really well-was in a desperate sit- uation -- and you were in a pos- ition to lend a helping hand -- wouldn’t you Consider helping them out? Of course you would, and that is one of the reasons why the Alpena County United Way organization is asking for your help in order to meet the goals of the 1980-81 United Way — campaign. You see, when you donate mon- ey to the United Way, there is a very good chance that you ac- tually are helping someone whom you know very well -- perhaps someone very close to where you live. The United Way helps to support 12 local agencies in their efforts to serve Alpena and the surrounding communities, along with 24 state-wide charities that they support by giving money to the United Way of Michigan. Locally the United Way sup- ports groups like the Alpena County Chapter of the American Red Cross, the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Alpena, and the Senior Citizens Council of Alpena. Many of these agencies simply could not provide the services that they do if it were not for the funding which the United Way provides, which in the long run must come from people like you. The people behind the 1980-81 campaign started on September 23, and will work up until Octo- ber 21, at which time the cam- paign will end. They are seeking: to raise a rather large amount of jens money -- 244,976 -- which rep- resents a 15%% increase over the entire amount of money raised _during last year’s campaign. ,Of course, it is not a require- ment that you know someone in need in order to make a donation to the United Way. In fact, | bel- ieve that most of the people who do contribute to groups like Unit- ed Way do so not because they know someone personally who _ may be helped by it, but simply because they know that someone out there is in need -- and they. are in a position to help. What about you -- will you give the United Way? ALPENA COUNTY UNITED WAY, BOX 282, ALPENA, MI., 49707 -- ~ 354-2221. > Thank you.