Lumberjack, Issue 7, April 10, 1991 pg 9 ACC must be a great place to work -- most of the staff has been here i "since God was a boy!” This is what they looked like THEN AND NOW. For suspense, clues are on the left, answers on the right. ‘Almost all students come in contact with her, at least at the beginning of every year. You will find her in VLH solving various students’ problems and keeping This is Aggie Ferguson who ‘works in the Admissions and Financial Aid Office. She’s been an ACC employee ‘Max Lindsay organized! She’s the mother of three and In her off houts“you can find ‘she and her husband Dick are her kicking up her heels in a local long-time residents of Alp dancestudio. She is a loyal fan of the A doting mother and _ iberjack basketball teams. _ grandmother, she will talk your favorite ~ off-the-job ear off about the perfections of her. activities are exercise ce. three sonsand granddaughter. With her own special brand of “humor, she creates a comfortable, inviting atmosphere for ACC students. Even though his views have changed over the years, he still expresses them with great fervor! He is “rabid” on the volleyball court having maintained an active role in a very competitive league. He and his wife own land in the country and he can often be found walking in the woods © observing nature. He is a devoted Pistons fan. It may not be obvious, but age has ‘mellowed’ this man. political school imitating Elvis Presley. He is the father of eight He won a dance contest in high“ This is Keith Titus, speech instructor, former producer at ‘Thunder Bay Theatre and often on children. stage, this summer returning to He’s a former pig farmer who the TBT stage in his patented role hopes to return to raising pigs and of Tevye in ”Fiddler on the Roof.” in the United Church of Christ. . He is a leader and in a crowd Titus lives on wooded acres. marches “to his own drummer” In fact you could call him *Nature usually in the front. Man”. He is very dramatic in and out He is active in the peace ‘of the classroom often comparing himself to God. Humanities instructor, who ‘experimented with —_ different teaching techniques in the 23 years he’s been employed at ACC. ‘When he’s not in class you can And you thought ie was alwaysbald? He most recently has developed a new class called ‘Myths and Legends. movement. He's the man in the middle. She’s the ’exception to the rule’ on this. page (probably your biggest clue) since she’s been at This is Dr. Priscilla Homola, mother to two children, Roland andHeidi. ACC only a short time -- this is Homola seems to actively seek _ her second year of teaching here. ‘out "new adventures”, has unusual From the picture you can = classroom activities, and she’s a mom -- she has laughs as her favorite activity. children . She is serious, however, when She is a student of the martial it comes to her music -- she’s Antholo; children’s book and has won many ‘writingawards. By She’s a published author of a *Spoon River Anthology’.