CAMPUS UPDATE March 28, 1984 page 2 Perspective Does Anyone Have An Excuse For Apathy ? by Julianne Michaels Have you ever complained of “nothing to do” on a weekend night? Is the lack of fun social activities a chronic complaint? Have you stopped looking for activities? If you haven't stopped searching for and attending events, you may well be one of ACC’s own endangered spe- cies, On Friday, March 16, 1984, the musical comedy duo of Fast. & _ | Missad performed a coffee house style concert at the Holidome in Al- ‘pena’s Holiday Inn. The coffeehouse crowd, all 40 of them, had great fun laughing as they listened to Doug Fast give satirical musical inter- pretations of the Reagan administration and its policies, the righteous- ‘| ness of the Moral Majority (“gag me with communion!”), and the other social, economic and political plagues that accompany life in the 80's. This concert was free, quality entertainment for ACC students, faculty, and staff, yet only a small d stly. dorm student: Kk advan- tage of the treat. Apparently poor attendance at alee sponsored events is the norm. The lack of participation at the recent Homecoming was the topic of a front page article in the March 14, 1984 issue of “Campus Update”. {Ironically, an article advertising the Fast/Missad concert was situated directly next to the Homecoming article.) Upon checking with committee chairpersons, one learns that stu- dent attendance and participation is low for many college sponsored events. Faculty and staff support appear to be virtually non-existent. Why? We must all have reasons for our non-attendance (yes, | am ay | also). & do we have excuses ES our apathy? ~ "Yep." And “munths old! Country Response To Heavy Metal in umn and lisnen to ae peur country muzak. Anyways, alls a sud- den up: jumps Jim-Bob-Roy-John, and he sez, “Gol Darn but don’t that Huggler guy got the goodest taste, he don’t like nothin’, not even that satanistik rocky and:roll!’’ Then | sez, “Shoot! Only aad he hain‘t cut down is country muzak, he must like dat. “and den everbody sez, z but them’ albums you’s reevue are ‘only. three or four _ Bob- -Roy-Hank : sez he gots es ansur ~ S yourn’ question ‘sue then” ‘Scorpions, he say that they jest put a new ‘album out pret‘neer the ~-beginin’ of Mech and it's galled “Love at First Sting.” ~ Your Loyal Reeders, Jim-Bob-Roy-. John Bob-Roy-Hank Jim-Bob-Bill-Hood and the rest of us good ‘ole Coney, Campus Life... pov! A M€ASING VI by Kevin Schalkofski Does anyone, beside me, remem- ber when sweatshirts came in only one size (too big), and one color (gray)? Sweatshirts were a godsend to the fashion scene. If you were too ‘fat, the sweatshirt hid all your un- ‘sightly bulges. If you were too skinny, the sweatshirt gave you un- sightly bulges. The long sleeves of the sweat- shirt were excellent for hiding arms . that were too white, too tan, too hairy. (women), and too much Jike a dead turkey. 1 went shopping fora sweatshirt the-other day and | was apalled by the things | saw. Pastel colors in every shade vibrated at me from the racks. There were side-less, sleeve- less, backless, and even front-less sweatshirts of every discription: Unable to find my choice, | asked the assistance ofa clerk who happened to be in the vicinity. “Miss,” | called, * “Could you help me?” “Ms.,” she eo me, “What can | do for yc How about this one?” she asked, picking up what appeared to be two pieces of material sewn together at the top; ae our new” Z ace) less model.” “Why don't you try a_ thrift store?,” she burst out laughing, and then headed for the break-room to share my plight with co-workers. | guess nothing is. sacred any- more and, like blue-jeans, sweat- shirts have come of age in designer warehouses. Ill never forget Grandma, putter- ing around in the vegetable garden, her hair tied in a scarf, garden gloves, and the faithful, old, gray sweatshirt. Some things never ° me 2 *“Kctually my sides aren‘t what they should be,” | HES “How. about--” “Here's one,” she interrupted. “It's the latest ‘‘Mod-pastel-front- ai baci Tepadesi shirt’. it looked to me like a pices: of lint with a $25.00 price tag attach- ed to it. S “Do you have anything in gray?” “What?” her face froze in shock. “Long sleeves, you know. A gray sweatshirt?” “I"m sorry,-| can’t help nd One of Ai “SERVING NORTHEAST ‘MICHIGAN we mot As near as Miller& Oldfield St. NBD Alpena Bank i E “(AFFILIATED Wit Member FDIC CAMPUS UPDATE is a communications medium of Alpena Community College, and is puptisned bimonthly--September through May--except during vacations and examination periods, by the students of Alpena Community College—Alpena, Michigan. All articles ' published are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and the opinion(s) expressed in such articles do not necessarily express the views of the editor(s), the advisor, or the administration of Alpena Community College. Campus Update is printed by the Alpena News. : Editor: Steve Wright Sports Editor: Anthony. Terry. Layout Manager: Jim Sanders Assistant Editor: Scott Fowler Advisor: Dr. L. Aufderheide Photographer: Kris Fritz Administrative Assistant: Brandy Bloomer Advertising Manager: Kathy Lazerowicz Reporters: Jim Baker, Ann Dost, Tim Grulke, Jacqueline Grzeskowiak, Michelle Hamilton, Mike Huggler, Martha Hurford ~ Monica Jahnke, Renee Kaschner, Beatrice Kunath, Julianne Michaels, Kevin Schalkofski, Sandra Suszek, Julie Taylor, Donna Waltz