@ CAMPUS AC IVItICS & A.C.C. Sports The 1984 Lady Lumberjacks basketball team has started working out at the Superior ‘Health Club in the Thunder Bay Shopping Center. The club has agreed to give the team six weeks of free mem- bership in order to better their endprance and strength. Their. work outs, which are three times a week, consist of body toning and exercising the legs, abdomen, hips and upper body. Every person has their Lady Lumberjacks Tune Up ‘The health club also provides a own program, depending on what areas need improvement. ACC Cross Countr October 13 was a rainy Sat- urday, but® the ACC cross country teams braved the chill and wetness and raced at Fer- ris State College. The competition was the highest caliber in the state, with teams such as Lansing, Southwestern and Northern also racing. : “All the schools we raced against have four year pro- grams-most of the. runners were recruited’ coach Joe Gentry stated. teams i DU ae oe u the Alpena racers on the hilly course, The next meet is scheduled for Saturday, October 20, at the Alpena golf course. Most runners of the ACC dry sauna, steam sauna and ' showers. Aerobics are offered three times daily. The Lady Luberjacks appre- ciate the use of this facility. Other ACC students can take advantage of the Superior Health Club through ACC's intramural program by signing up for eight weeks in Van Lare Hall, room five immediately, By S. Clark I'd rather say nothing, ‘than have nothing to say and say it, Halloween Costume Dance Saturday, October 26 eal Dona KOOOSK, 65 All ACC Students Welcome Free Admission B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Boo!) A.C.C. CROSS COUNTRY VS. SCHOOLCRAFT SATURDAY OCT. 20th ALPENA GOLF COURSE MEN’S 10:00am WOMEN’S 10:40am BID Pree Bd ‘B tion. (612)645-4727 / 1-800- WANTED: Student spring break Representatives for Col- legiate Tour and Travel. Earn} Comp. trips and cash. Call! right now for more informa- 328-5897 or write to Paula, 2111 ee Ave., St. Paul, MN 5511 eans & More “Where a Discount Really Is a Discount’’ BUY ONE SWEATER OR SHIRT _AT THE REGULAR. PRICE | THEN GET A SECOND FOR |] CENT !!! MEN‘S WINTER JACKETS SALE ON NOW! $50 - 60 DOLLAR VALUE YOUR CHOICE $22 124 Ripley Blvd. - Alpena Across from the Car Wash Plenty of Free Parking Phone 354-5053 Bellingslore: Open Weekdays 10:8 Saturday 10-5