April, 1974 THE POLEMIC NEWS FOCUS Impeachment Still Possible! ({CPS/ZNS) - - John Doar, the special at- torney appointed by Congress to head up the impeachment inquiry, said that Pres- ident Nixon could be impeached - - even if the President has not committed a crim- inal act. _ Doar’s position on what constitutes an | “impeachable offense” will be a key one in determining whether Nixon can survive | in office. Some Constitutional scholars argue that a president may be impeached only for committing criminal acts; others | say that immoral or incompetent acts are | grounds enough for impeachment. Doar indicated he leans toward the latter interpretation. While saying he has not yet made up his mind, Doar said “a considerable body of (legal authority) | says it does not have to be a criminal of- fense.”” This interpretation would make Nixon’s impeachment more likely. AMERICANS TRUCK 370 BILLION MILES PER YEAR 'S) - - The energy crisis is bound to have a major effect on the American lifestyle, according to statistics compiled by the US Census Bureau. A report issued last month by the Bureau showed that the 114 million Amer- icans who travelled in 1972 covered an estimated 370 billion miles in trips of 100 miles or more away from home, or roughly the equivalent of four thousand trips to the sun. The figures appeared in the Census Bureau’s National Travel Survey, which is part of the 1972 Census of Transport- ation. The survey covered all trips of 100 miles or more made by Americans. One or more persons in over 41 million households (63%) took at least one such trip last year. The average traveller took four trips, covering 3,239 miles over 16 days. Garbage Collector has Most Hazardous Job in America (CPS/ZNS) - -Believe it of not, being a gar- ° bage collector is the most hazardous job j in America. cil has found that garbage workers have twice as many on-the-job injuries as fire- fighters do, and three times as many in- juries as coal miners do. The study found that one in every five garbage collectors was hurt last year. “THANK YOU, Me. PRESIDENT, A study by the National Safety Coun- | i The Safety Council blames three fac- tors for the high injury rate which haunts the garbage-collecting profession: first of all, many collectors are hurt because they are not taught the ‘proper, way to lift heavy trash cans; secondly, they often don’t wear gloves and other protective clothing; and finally, they are often at the mercy of vicious dogs. 1s - FOR. THOSE INSP ING WORDS THE ENERGY CRISIS... RING WORDS on Reply: Page 7 YES ENTERTAINS The Youth Evangelists (YES) of Eman- uel Lutheran headed the list of entertain- ment at a recent Faith meeting held at the school on Wednesday, March 26. je YES was started in late January by Vicar Jim Hilldeman along with Ken and NaomiWegmyer. Since, the twelve‘youths that make up the group have made four public performances and have gained quite a reputation for themselves. Following the YES on the bill of entertainment was a group of eight ACC Students singing “Do Lord” and Sister Janet Mead’s rendition of “The Lord’s By Roger Finley Prayer”. The members of the group were Colleen and Marlene Bannon, Denise Friedhoff, Judy Wielke, Harry Gross, Jim Armantrout, Roger Finley and soloist Janice Armstrong. The college group worked on a twenty-four hour notice and were able to come up with a passable program, showing its peak with Miss Armstrong’s solo in “The Lord s Prayer’. The “Faith meeting” was somewhat of a success with about fifty youths from several area congregations attending. It is the hope of Vicar Hilldeman that some sort of church-evangelistic program may be started here on campus in the 1974-75 term. The Straight Poop on TP Allocation (CPS) - - The Scott Paper Co. has had to begin allocating toilet papers after almost ‘a Month of panic buying and hoarding by consumers who believed that there was a shortage of the product. “We had adequate output to meet the requirements of our customers,” a Scott spokesmen said, “‘but because of abnor- mal purchasing, our inventories have been depleted principally in toilet paper, and if women will use up their home inven- tories we can get back to normal.” Apparently, men have been using sand- Paper or some equally masculine sub- stance. POLEMIC SUGGESTION BOX Comment: “You have to make the good times your- self. Take the little times and make}them into big times and save the times that are all right for the ones that aren’t so good.” A final contribution You've said a mouth full. Comment: “Learn how to spell “involve.” (page 3 of latest’ Polemic had “envolved” TWICE in one article.) Phil Diamond Reply: Thanks for the advice. t Comment: “| believe that the advertising and business manager should be treated to a good di Kim Coggins & John Bester Reply: We agree... Comment: “| wonder why so many people bitch about coming here, and keep coming back.” Mark Applegate who’s treating? Reply: “Right on Mark!!”’ MASTERS q SHOES SINCE 1879 108 N. Second Ave. ALPENA; MICHIGAN 49707 Phone 354-5166 Distributers of: Pabst Rt. 2 - M-32 Doyle Distributing Blatz Imported and Domestic Wines Drewrys Phone 345-8700