Page 3 (continued from page 1) and faculty that were involved in the day's preparations. One of the big attention getters of the day was the drawing and ceramics exhibit. Several of the class’ students were on hand to Editor Mary Bartz Assistant Editor Alpena Crowd demonstrate their skills as passers by stoped to view the art creations in progress. Another attention getter was the exhibit set-up by the electronics technical and electrical apprentice club as they displayed a wide variety of electronic and electrical equipment. One of their features was a computer operated electronic arm which is capable of picking up, stacking and releasing objects, just to name a few of its @/ we The nursing program had a well developed exhibit set-up where blood counts and blood pressures were being measured free to any one wishing to be tested. Several smaller exhibits were arranged by members of the following clubs: criminal justice, concrete technology and the lumberjack. The exhibits displayed the clubs various offerings and contributions to ACC and the community. The volunteer center had a very unique exhibit set-up where the viewers had a chance to explore their volunteering interests and match them with various fields that have a related interest. The upward bound, special needs and talent search programs had a combined booth displaying the many opportunities available through the programs. The center of economic human tesourse development and admissions department were also present showing off what the center and admissions has to offer. All the booths were offering free information on their specific field, along with general information on the college. ACC pencils, bookmarks and folders were offered free to the public. All the activities surrounding ACC in Brief A Poor A Causes Di. d Event The Business Club held its Meet the Pro's Night on Tuesday, February 7. Speakers from local media were present to share information about their jobs and the relation of media and businesses in this area. Judy Tibbetts, advisor, stated it was an interesting evening and presentation, but would probably be the last one held due to poor attendance, A meeting will be held sometime in March to finalize plans for the Chicago trip in April. View The Night Visions AT The Sky Planetarium See the winter night sky without standing in the cold at the Jesse Besser Museum planetarium on March 5 and 12." Winter Night Sky” is planned for sky watchers of all ages. The winter sky contains the brightest and most colorful stars of any season. The program views stars and constellations of winter and other deep sky objects currently visible. The program is brief so a second short program will be shown, “Historical Astronomy" The first combined program starts at 2m, the second combined ion at 4pm. This p ion will be given by visiting Tom Gougeon from CMU. Phone and Data Processing To Be Upgraded Due to the deterating communication systems, the college has consulted the Network Technologies Corpoation to review the needs of the college and develop the required specifications that should satify the current needs. At the February Board of Trustees meeting resolutions were passed authorizing the college administration to enter an agreement with GTE and UNISYS to complete the updating and upgrading. Zoning Request Endorsed The college has endorsed a change in the current zoning Gayle Ayers Robert Marlatt Tracey Barraco John Pines Kara Barrie Staci Radke Christine Carriveau Mike Rhea Deborah Filarski Chris Tolen Lori Nash Nick Barraco Photography Angela Orlowski Athena Olson Advertising Trina Redding Advisor Paul Rabiteau The Lumberjack communications medium of Alpena Community College. It is published monthly September through May--except during vacations and examination periods--by the students of Alpena Community College. All articles published are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and the opinions expressed in such articles do not necessarily express the views of the editor, advisor or the administration of Alpena Community College. UY Volunteer Of The Week ACC Student Senate Secretary, John Pines, was named WHSB volunteer of the week for the week of February 13. 3 : j classifications of properties in and adjacent to the college. The change Trina Redding capabilities. i SEN A fe a were {0 | within the 340 acre area will_be classified OS-1 (light office) temain nae a waren: eda uinninioMetiea eae saeemmonaagmes - Technical Advisor on display with several of the turned out to be very sucessful in : Chuck Witt different programs demonstrating achieving this goal. Delysle Henry in Who's Who in American Law how the computer is used in their Staff specific area. Re Pines was honored for chairing many of the Student Activity Board events and also for the changes that he has intiated here at ACC. Pines' future plans include majoring in journalism at Western Michigan University and also being involved with the Student Activity Board there. Along with being the secretary of the Senate, he is. also the secretary of the Student Activity Board and is a member of The Lumberjack staff. Delysle Henry, instructor of law and government at ACC, will appear in the Marquis 6th edition of Who's Who ii i 1989-1990. Areas of legal interest listed are legal education, social security law and federal civil pratice. Henry has been an instructor of law and government at ACC since the early 70's. He was admitted to pratice by the State Bar in 1971, and later to the U.S. District Court and U.S. Court of Appeals. Since 1980, Henry has concentrated on social security law. Law is a family endeavor, as his only brother and his only son, Reggie, Counsel to the Workmens Compensation Commission, as a de facto administrative law judge, in Charleston, WV. Students Offered Special Skiing Rates At Mt. Mariah every Wed. from 4-10 pm. The cost is $5 for lift and $5 for equipment rental. This is open to all ACC students, staff, and faculty.