The third Second Avenue Bridge across the Thunder Bay River in Alpena, Michigan, looking southwest. Alpena Furniture is large building. References to dynamiting and the flood of April 1923.
The third Second Avenue Bridge across the Thunder Bay River in Alpena, …
In 1923, the Thunder Bay River crested 18 inches over the 1922 record high. The Chisholm Street and Ninth Street bridges collapsed. Homes near Ninth Street and Washington Avenue were surrounded by wa
In 1923, the Thunder Bay River crested 18 inches over the 1922 …
The USS ARIZONA was launched June 19, 1915 and decommissioned on December 29, 1941 having been one of the vessels sunk during the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The vessel and crew visit
The USS ARIZONA was launched June 19, 1915 and decommissioned on December …
The USS ARIZONA was launched June 19, 1915 and decommissioned on December 29, 1941 having been one of the vessels sunk during the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The vessel and crew visit
The USS ARIZONA was launched June 19, 1915 and decommissioned on December …
Chisholm Street looking across the Thunder Bay River. House in center background was called the "Pest House" or "Raven's Craig." People with contagious diseases were quarantined there.
Chisholm Street looking across the Thunder Bay River. House in center background …